Group 2: Engine outerparts, Ignition, Carbs, Clutch

Manifolds, Accelerator control, Carburetter, Air filter, Basic Exhaust Emission Control, Airpump, Ignition System, Clutch, Automatic Clutch, Alternator, Voltage Regulator, Starter motor

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  • Two NOS wingnuts
    Two NOS wingnuts

    Two NOS wingnuts for fixation of airfilter cover. Citroën # 5 477 276. Listed in most CX Partsbooks, we only list Cat. 3191, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-1711-20, # 29.

  • NOS bushing
    NOS bushing

    NOS bushing, dia 9x13 - 14. Citroën # 5 474 775. Listed in several CX Partsbooks, we list only Cat. 3191, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-1711-20, # 18.

  • NOS closing rubber
    NOS closing rubber

    NOS closing rubber. Citroën # 5 474 776. Listed in several CX Partsbooks, we list only Cat. 3191, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-1711-20, # 19.

  • NOS fast idling device
    NOS fast idling device

    NOS fast idling device for WEBER 34DMTR & 34DATC carburettors Citroën # 5 477 721. Weber # W8950 or W9550. Cat. 2193, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-143-10, #6 & Subgr. 2-143-20, #13.

  • NOS solenoid for carburettor
    NOS solenoid for carburettor

    NOS solenoid, electric cut-out valve, for Weber carburateur type 34 DMTR 44/350. CX 2,35 >10/82. Citroën # 5 483 419, Weber # 9928288. Cat. 2193, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-143-25 .

  • NOS throttle linkage
    NOS throttle linkage

    NOS accellerator control linkage for 2,35 Carbu BVM models. Citroën # 5 480 910. Cat. 1192, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-142-20, # 12.

  • NOS spring
    NOS spring

    NOS spring for accellerator control linkage for 2,35 Carbu BVM models & 2.0 ltr >Orga 2754. Citroën # 75 460 741. Cat. 1192, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-142-20, # 19.

  • NOS set of points
    NOS set of points

    NOS set of ignition points, for CX 2,35 L carbu. Ducellier 582028. Citroën # 5 485 737. Cat. 2193, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-211-30, # 7. Condensor 79 01 594 811, #3 also available.

  • NOS vacuum unit
    NOS vacuum unit

    NOS vacuum unit, for CX 2,35 L carbu. Ducellier 661628. Citroën # 5 485 736. Cat. 2193, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-211-30, # 2.

  • NOS condensor
    NOS condensor

    NOS condensor for Ducellier ignition on CX 2,35 L carbu. Ducellier 609504, µ 0,27. Citroën # 79 01 594 811, GX 01 185 01A. Cat. 2193, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-211-30, # 3. Points 5 485 737, #7 also available.

  • NOS strainer
    NOS strainer

    NOS complete strainer for C-matic transmission. Citroën # 75 510 746. Cat. 191, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-322-30, # 5.

  • NOS brushes with holder
    NOS brushes with holder

    NOS set of brushes with holder and mounting screws for Paris Rhone alternator A14R26 and A14R28. Citroën # 75 526 525 Paris Rhone # 98627G. Cat. 0191, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-532-31, # 13.

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