Group 2: Engine outerparts, Ignition, Carbs, Clutch

Manifolds, Accelerator control, Carburetter, Air filter, Basic Exhaust Emission Control, Airpump, Ignition System, Clutch, Automatic Clutch, Alternator, Voltage Regulator, Starter motor

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  • NOS Endpiece with bearing
    NOS Endpiece with bearing

    NOS endplate with bearing and brushes, commutador end, Ducellier starter 6211A. # 5 419 467, S 533-213A Cat. 642, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-533, #3

  • NOS condensor
    NOS condensor

    NOS condensor, only left one on picture. Citroën # 5 403 133, Marchal 43060513. 1x > 2/71, 2x 2/72>. Carbu: Cat. 642, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-211, # 2. - IE: Subgr. 2-211/2, # 2

  • NOS condensor
    NOS condensor

    NOS condensor, only right one on picture. Citroën # 5 413 633, S 211 202A ( 2/71>: 5 403 133). Carbu: Cat. 642, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-211, # 2. - IE: Subgr. 2-211/2, # 2

  • NOS condensor housing
    NOS condensor housing

    NOS condensor housing SM Carbu, ex. condensors. Citroën # 5 416 251, Marchal # 41 390 303. Cat. 642, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-211, # 3.

  • NOS condensor housing with condensors
    NOS condensor housing with condensors

    NOS condensor housing SM Carbu, with condensors. Citroën # 5 416 251, Marchal # 41 390 303. Condensors # 5 403 133, 43060513 & 5 413 633, S 211-202A. Cat. 642, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-211, # 3.

  • NOS rotor for alternator
    NOS rotor for alternator

    NOS rotor for Paris Rhone Alternator , Type A13R-R92 12V-55 Amp. Citroën # 5 420 668, S 532-158A. Paris Rhone # 75607. Cat. 642. Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-532 # 9.

  • NOS studs
    NOS studs

    NOS set of 2 special shouldered studs for 03/72> airfilter, M6 x 79. Citroën # 5 426 320. Cat. 642, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-141, # 14.

  • NOS set of carb. gaskets
    NOS set of carb. gaskets

    NOS set of 6 carburetor gaskets, 1 mm - 2x Ø 42,5 mm. Citroën # 5 405 959, S 142-353. Cat. 642, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-141, # 5.

  • NOS inlet tube seals
    NOS inlet tube seals

    NOS set of 6 rubber seals for inlet tubes. 44 x 47 x 6 mm. Citroën # 5 405 978, S 171-222A. Cat. 642, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-141, # 10.

  • NOS stator for alternator
    NOS stator for alternator

    NOS rotor for Paris Rhone Alternator , Type A13R-R92 12V-55 Amp. Citroën # 5 420 668, S 532-158A. Paris Rhone # 75607. Cat. 642. Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-532 # 9.

We use the same categories as Citroën is using for their partsbooks and microfices since 1972.


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