Group 8: Interior and Seat Trimming, Seats, Carpets, Wheel Accessoiries
Inner Rear View Mirrors, Sun Visors, Safety Belts, Tools, Wheel Accessories, Rear Bench, Front Seats, Carpets, Body Trimming, Door Panels, rear parcel shelf
- NOS interior clips
4 NOS nylon clips to hold the ceeling in CX Pallas, GTI, TRE, TRI and Prestige models. There are 8 clips per car. Citroën # 75 518 951. Cat. 2193, Gr. 8, Subgr. 8-982-11, # 21.
- NOS sunvisor clips
Two NOS black sunvisor clips. Citroën # 75 514 590. Cat. 3191, Gr. 8, Subgr. 8-5540-10, # 8.
- NOS rearview mirror
NOS rear view mirror. Citroën #'s 79 490 260, 95 495 791, 95 656 409, 95 495 789. Cat. 3191, Gr. 8, Subgr. 8-5543-20, # 2 - Cat. 2193, Gr. 8, Subgr. 8-554-10 #3.
- NOS repair kit for sunscreens
NOS repairkit for 1 rear sunscreen at rear parcelshelf. Citroën # ZC9 856 869 U Cat. 3191, Gr. 8, Subgr. 8-5543-20, # 6, 7, 10.
- NOS spacer nut
Upper NOS nylon spacer nut for doorpanels, L=5,0 mm. Citroën # 5 431 159. Cat. 2193, Gr. 8, Subgr. 8-983-10, # 8, Subgr. 8-983-20, # 10 & Subgr. 8-983-21, # 8.
- NOS spacer nut
Lower NOS nylon spacer/nut for fixation doorpanels, L=52,5 mm. Citroën # 5 468 693. Cat. 2193, Gr. 8, Subgr. 8-983-10, # 8, Subgr. 8-983-20, # 10 & Subgr. 8-983-21, # 8.
- NOS chrome doorgrip finisher
NOS chrome finisher for rear doorgrip Prestige. Citroën # 5 483 384. Cat. 2193, Gr. 8, Subgr. 8-983-10, # 9, Subgr. 8-983-20, # 9.
- NOS special mirror nut
NOS special nut for fixation mirror, M24. Citroën # 75 531 311. Cat. 2193, Gr. 7, Subgr. 7-841-41, # 8.
We use the same categories as Citroën is using for their partsbooks and microfices since 1972.
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