Group 4: Brakes, Brake and Clutch control, Drive shafts

Pedal gears, Differential shafts and bearings, Drive shafts, Front Hydraulic Brakes, Rear Brakes, Rear Brake Cylinders, Brake Control, Hydraulic Brake Control, Front Mechanical Brakes, Parking Brake, Hand Brake, Brake Distribution unit

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  • NOS brakepad set, OEM
    NOS brakepad set, OEM

    Set original TEXTAR brakepads. # 95 663 072. Cat. 642, Gr. 4, Subgr. 4-451, #3 Ofcourse we also stock, less expensive, TEXTAR reproductions of great quality.

  • Brake pad set, Textar repro's
    Brake pad set, Textar repro's

    Voor remblok set DS & SM. Textar reproducties van hoge kwaliteit. Origineel Citroen # 95 663 072. Cat. 648, Gr. 4, Subgr. 4-451, #3 Links op de foto de reproductie en rechts de OEM Textars.

  • NOS rear brake pad set, OEM
    NOS rear brake pad set, OEM

    NOS rear brake pad set with wire for wear indicator light. Textar V1431, SM 11/72>. Cat. 642, Gr. 4, Subgr. 4-451/1, # 2.

We use the same categories as Citroën is using for their partsbooks and microfices since 1972.


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