Group 5: Instrument panel, accessoires, signalling, lighting, wiring

Wiring, Electrical equipment, Bulbs, Instrument panel, Switches, Battery and securing, Headlamps, Front Direction indicators, Headlamp glasses, Headlamp securing, Self-levelling Headlamp devices, Directional Control of Headlamps,  Rear Lights, Boot/Trunk Lighting, Interior Lighting, Windscreen Wipers, Windscreen Washers, Headliamp Washer, Horn, Relays, Fuses, Pressure Switches, Glove box, Ashtray, Radio

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  • NOS oil temp sensor
    NOS oil temp sensor

    NOS engine oil temperature sensor for warning light, "Jaeger". Citroën # 5 490 468 renumbered to 75 490 468. Cat. 1192, Gr. 5, Subgr. 5-614-30 TT, # 3, Subgr. 5-614-31 IE, # 5.

  • NOS temperature gauge
    NOS temperature gauge

    NOS water temperature gauge "Jaeger", Serie 1. Citroen # 5 490 859. Cat. 2193, Gr. 5, Subgr. 5-522-10, # 9.

  • NOS air temperature sensor
    NOS air temperature sensor

    NOS air temperature sensor for fan control. Marking: IVT-4AA 235F 55/48C V8T. Citroën # 75 491 887. Cat. 1192, Gr. 5, Subgr. 5-614-30 TT, # 6, Subgr. 5-614-31 IE, # 7.

  • NOS water temp sensor
    NOS water temp sensor

    NOS water temperature sensor for temperature gauge on dashboard, "Jaeger", M18 x 1,50. Citroën # 5 413 327, 75 413 327, 95 494 830. Cat. 1192, Gr. 5, Subgr. 5-614-30 TT, # 10, Subgr. 5-614-31 IE, # 2.

  • NOS oil temp sensor
    NOS oil temp sensor

    NOS C-Matic (Citromatic) transmission oil temperature sensor for warning light, "Jaeger". Citroën # GX 0817 101A. Cat. 1192, Gr. 5, Subgr. 5-614-30 TT, # 7

  • NOS rev counter
    NOS rev counter

    NOS "Veglia" revolution counter, Citroën # 5 477 329. Cat. 2193, Gr. 5, Subgr. 5-521-20, # 3.

  • NOS clock
    NOS clock

    NOS Veglia clock Series 1 >07/82. Citroën # 5 505 518, Veglia # 0243.0359960. Cat. 2193, Gr. 5, Subgr. 5-521-20, # 6.

  • NOS wiper arm, Bosch
    NOS wiper arm, Bosch

    NOS wiper arm for CX models without windscreen washer tube on the arm. Citroën # 5 470 984, Bosch # 3 398 100 975. Cat. 191, Gr. 5, Subgr. 561-10, # 1

  • NOS cigar lighter with holder
    NOS cigar lighter with holder

    NOS complete cigarlighter for CX models 10/76>, "Schoeller". Citroën # 5 491 471. Cat. 191, Gr. 5, Subgr. 5-522-20, # 8.

  • NOS cigar lighter
    NOS cigar lighter

    NOS cigarlighter for CX models 10/76>, "Schoeller". Citroën # 5 505 001. Cat. 191, Gr. 5, Subgr. 5-522-20, # 10.

  • Two NOS interior light switches
    Two NOS interior light switches

    Two NOS interior light switches for early CX's. Citroën # 5 490 707, replaced by 95 493 782. Cat. 191, Gr. 5, Subgr. 5-545-10, # 1.

  • NOS C-matic clutch switch
    NOS C-matic clutch switch

    NOS complete clutch switch for C-matic transmission. Citroën # 5 490 400. Cat. 191, Gr. 5, Subgr. 5-614-20, # 1

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