Group 3: Axles, Suspension, Steering, Hydraulic units, Piping
High pressure Pump, Pressure Regulator, Brake Accumulator, Safety Valve, Priority Valve, Hydraulic fluid reservoir, Hydraulic piping, Return piping, Front link arms, Halfs Axles, Hubs, Swivels, Wheels, Rear link arms, Suspension cylinders, Spheres, Diaphragms, Height Correctors, Anti-roll bars, Height adjustment controls, Steering wheel, Steering rack, Steering rods, Steering relays, Power steering pinion, Power steering control, Anti-theft device
Hydraulic fluid LHM Plus from TOTAL, Pentosin or IFHS. Green mineral fluid in plastic liter bottle. Standard box has 12 bottles but will ship any quantity to any place. Current Citroën # 1111002.
One box hydraulic fluid LHM Plus from TOTAL, Pentosin or IFHS. Standard box with 12 bottles. Current Citroën # 1111002.
- Rubber filler pipe
New rubber filler pipe for the hydraulic fluid reservoir. Citroën #'s GX 13 132 01A or 01C. Cat. 642, Gr. 3, Subgr. 3-393, # 11.
- NOS steering relay
NOS steering relay, still in factory wax. Citroën # 5 406 870, S 443-108A. Cat. 642, Gr. 3, Subgr. 3-443/1, # 2
- Coupling HP pump shaft (1)
Improved remanufacturing of the coupling for the high pressure pump shaft. Two needed per shaft. Citroën # # 5 411 188 (replacement for 5 406 465). Not pictured in the partsbook. Cat. 642. Gr. 3. Subgr. 3-391/1, #1.
- NOS HP pump shaft
NOS shaft with bearing for the 7-piston high-pressure pump on early SM models and all D models with powersteering. Citroën # DX 391-07 & 5 415 041. SM Cat. 642, Gr,3, Subgr. 3-391, # 2 - D Model Cat. 648, Gr. 3, Subgr. 3-391/1, #…
We use the same categories as Citroën is using for their partsbooks and microfices since 1972.
Enter your search without spaces: DX13456B and not DX 134-56 B, 5345678 and not 5 345 678 etc. You can also enter a part of the partnumber or text.