Group 2: Engine outerparts, Ignition, Carbs, Manifolds, Clutch
Manifolds, Accelerator control, Carburetter, Air filter, Basic Exhaust Emission Control, Airpump, Ignition System, Clutch, Automatic Clutch, Alternator, Voltage Regulator, Starter motor
- NOS Solex carburettor
NOS Solex 32 SDID 2 Carburettor for 65-66 ID19 models. Cat. 519, P. 15. Cat. 562-6, #3.
- NOS inlet manifold - DV
NOS inlet manifold for DV models 04/67-09/68, 2 studs Citroën # DV 141-13. Cat. 519, P. 15. Cat. 562-6, #13
- NOS inlet manifold gasket
Two NOS gaskets for connection of water hose to inlet manifold DY-DL models, 20,5 x 26,0 x 1,5 mm. Citroën # 619.047. Cat. 519, P. 15. Cat. 562-6, #8.
- NOS inlet manifold gasket
Two NOS fiber inlet manifold gaskets for preheating waterhose connection, ID 30 mm. Citroën # DX 141-96. Cat. 562, P. 562-6, # 14.
- NOS distributor
NOS complete Ducellier distributor type DY 05, Ducellier # 4169A. For DY, DL & DLF models >09/68. Complete with, points, rotor, cap and condensor. Citroën # DY 211-05A. Cat. 562, P. 562-69, # 1.
- NOS SEV distributor
NOS complete SEV Marchal distributor for carbureted DY, DL, DT, DYF & DLF models with cassette points. For engine code DY2 or DY3. 03/72> Citroën # DY 010-A, SEV Marchal # 41110102, A 251, Curve C11. Cat. 648, Gr. 2, Subgr.…
- NOS SEV rotor
NOS SEV Marchal rotor for carbureted D models 03/72> Citroën # GX 06 151 01A, SEV Marchal # 41850007. Cat. 648, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-211, # 4
- NOS voltage regulator
NOS Paris-Rhone voltage regulator >07/67, type YT-2113, 12V-22 Amp. Paris-Rhone # 57439, Citroën # DS 535-1D. Cat. 562. P. 562-75, # 15.
- NOS dynamo pulley
NOS pulley for Ducellier dynamo, 11/61>. Citroën # DS 532-34D, Ducellier # 72610. Cat. 466 Ed. 62, P. 189.
- NOS stay for dynamo
NOS adjustable stay for Ducellier dynamo belt, 11/61>. Citroën # DS 532-32A, Dynamo Type 72610. Cat. 466 Ed. 62, P. 189.
- NOS interm. starter plate, Ducellier
NOS intermediate plate with bushing for Ducellier 6164-C starter. DX, DJ, DJF >12/67. Citroën # DX 533-22, Ducellier #19212. Cat. 562, P. 562-78, #13.
- NOS starter endplate, Ducellier
NOS endplate without brushes for Ducellier 6164-C starter. 12/66>. 2x Ø7 mm (702.319, >12/66: 2x Ø6 mm) Citroën # DX 533-13C. Cat. 562, P. 562-78, #10.
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