Group 2: Engine outerparts, Ignition, Carbs, Manifolds, Clutch
Manifolds, Accelerator control, Carburetter, Air filter, Basic Exhaust Emission Control, Airpump, Ignition System, Clutch, Automatic Clutch, Alternator, Voltage Regulator, Starter motor
- Two NOS bushings for Paris-Rhone starters
Two NOS bushings for different Paris-Rhone starters. Citroën # ZC 9 701 854 U, 701 854, Paris-Rhone # 230 828, 16 x 19 x 15 mm. Cat. 562, P. 562-81, # 26, P. 562-62, # 19 & P. 562-83, # 33.
- NOS diode support >6/72
NOS Complete diode support, DS >6/72. Paris Rhone #59584, Citroen #DX 532-6. Cat. 648 Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-532/1, #9
- NOS diode support
NOS Diode support, complete with mounting kit. Citroen #5 422 583, Ducellier #611197. Cat. 648, Gr. 2, Subgr. 2-532, #6
- NOS special screws
Set of 4 special screws, M5x18mm. Citroën # 89.149. For securing coil supporting plate, bracket for dubble hydr pipes & hood adjuster near hinges. Cat. 466 Ed. 62, P. 36, P. 165 & P. 265
We use the same categories as Citroën is using for their partsbooks and microfices since 1972.
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